Musings On Life

Rewire Your Brain and Inspire Yourself and Others in 2019!

I would like to share some exciting and powerful ideas on how to train our brains to be more positive and productive, with the hope of making 2019 your best year ever!

There have been some discoveries in neuroscience of late that hold amazing possibilities for all of us. And the great news is that you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to put some of these discoveries to see tangible improvements in your quality of life and overall happiness.

Let’s face it – these days it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Our brains have not evolved much over the last few thousand years, yet we are now called on to cope with non-stop demands on our time and attention that I couldn’t imagine even ten years ago. The cognitive overload we are experiencing comes at a cost – to our relationships, to our productivity, and to our health.

For me, this would play out in the form of headaches, neck and back problems, and low energy. I knew that I needed to take control and find a way that would help me deal with whatever comes my way with a sense of focus and calm.

What I have learned is that by using a few simple strategies, you can establish new neural pathways in your brain. Kind of like re-wiring your house without the bother of hiring an electrician!

The fact is that we humans naturally tend to focus more on the negative because our brains are wired to detect threats. The good news is that by using simple mindfulness techniques that help us feel centred we can bolster our resilience and help us think more positively and be more effective when called upon to deal with difficulty or adversity.

Here’s How it Works

When you next have a good experience take pause to notice it. It could be a positive interaction with a stranger, noticing a brilliant sky on your commute, or a song playing on the radio that brings back a fond memory.

Making the effort to savour the moment can trigger a release of dopamine, which will serve to etch the moment firmly into your memory. It is during the moments when your positivity neurons fire that your brain re-wires.

When it happens:

Start Your Day the Right Way

One of the strategies I use to bolster my resilience and get my neurons firing is borrowed from Neil Pasricha, author of The Happiness Equation. I do it first thing in the morning because it helps set the tone for the day.

To begin, and just after my eyes flutter open, I focus on my breathing.

As I become centered on my breath, I think of three things:

  • Something I am grateful for. As an example, today I am grateful for having my millennial with us for the week.
  • Something I am willing to let go. It might be a thought you’ve been tangled up with or an issue from the past.
  • What my focus of the day is going to be – a task, challenge, or priority.

Being grateful strengthens our positive neural pathways by getting us to focus on what is RIGHT in our lives. By deciding to let go of something that holds us back – a concern, a worry, a fear – we are able to clear the mental clutter.

Choosing a focus for our day gives us purpose, flow, and energy.

Meg’s Re-Wire Challenge

Take ONE MINUTE at the start of your day to think of these three things and to commit to doing this exercise on for one week. See if you notice a difference! You may want to make it a permanent part of your routine. I did and I love the results!

Meg Soper offers engaging and funny keynote presentations and employee workshops about conflict management and resolution in the workplace. Get in touch with Meg today!

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Meg Soper

Meg Soper is a leading motivational humorist for organizations in North America. Her unique perspective combines the insights and experiences of her last thirty years spent as a Registered Nurse, stand-up comedian, and ultimately a motivational speaker. Meg has co-authored two books and appeared on the CBC Television network, Women’s Television network, and Prime TV as well as on radio and at comedy festivals.

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